… is the musical expression of the CRRNT Collective. We have performed at various events, including residencies in Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia, with an upcoming residency in Lithuania and regular shows in Copenhagen. Our music is shaped by the diverse musical backgrounds of our members, who compose music inspired by jazz, traditional music from Bolivia, the Balkans, and the Baltics, free improvisation, textual work, and experimental sounds.
This diversity shapes our identity as a band, making each performance a reflection of both our individual voices and our shared explorations. The CRRNT Ensemble is both a melting pot and a sounding board—a space where our music grows from the intersections of our experiences and our dedication to collective creation.
Live video by Jasmin Mebrouck, edited by Aurelijus Užameckis. Sound recording and mixing by Jon Sensmeier
January 2024 Residency

© Aurelijus Uzameckis, Tomaz Grom, Saša Mrak
We launched the year 2024 with a musical residency in the dreamy region of Kras in western Slovenia. CRRNT Collective is also a band of fierce improvisors and creative composers, and we wanted to take this chance to get to know each other better on a personal and musical level. We had great concert experiences together in Ljubljana at Škuc Gallery, in Zagreb at Klub Močvara, and in Sempeter pri Gorici in collaboration with the collective KCV under the concert series Fri-Fru-Fra Koncertni Cikel. A big thank you to all three venues/collectives for hosting us, we had such a great time and felt very welcomed! We also held a workshop at Klub Močvara, where we shared different tools and approaches to improvisation with local musicians. Thank you again for providing the space and to the participants! Thank you to Radio Študent 89,3 MHz and our interview host Jan, for having us as part of ‚GRS Intervju‘, it was wonderful to talk about our activities and future plans in Denmark and abroad! You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDTbH9F4nBg. Thank you to Meta from the National Slovenian Television RTVSLO.si, who made a report about our concert and broadcasted an interview with us! You can watch it here: https://365.rtvslo.si/arhiv/kultura/175014991. Last but not least, we would like to thank Statens Kunstfond, JazzDanmark, and DMF for supporting this project financially!